Monday, September 20, 2021

Trudeau Likely to Survive With Another Liberal Minority Government

This is Canada's plus ca change election.

In 2019, the Liberals won 157 seats. Tonight, they appear to have won 158 seats.

In 2019, the Conservatives won 121 seats. Tonight, they appear to have won 121 seats.

In 2019, the Bloc Quebecois won 32 seats. Tonight, they appear to have won 31 seats.

The NDP appears to have gained two seats raising their total to 26.

The Greens have won 2 seats but leader Annamie Paul finished a distant fourth in her Toronto constituency. She will likely be out as party leader as she has been embattled over her support for Israel.

Justin Trudeau did not get his majority government, but will very likely remain Prime Minister with yet another Liberal minority government. 

The Conservatives under new leader Erin O'Toole won the popular vote but Canadian voters did not punish Trudeau for calling an election two years early. Some voters did not buy O'Toole's centrist credentials while some believed he abandon the party's conservative principles. Although the Popular Party of Canada won all of 5% vote nationally and did not win a single seat (including leader Maxime Bernier) they took away enough votes from the Tories to keep Trudeau living at 24 Sussex Drive. Will O'Toole face a leadership review as his predecessor Andrew Scheer did. Or is there any chance the Bloc, NDP and the Greens could be so turned off by Trudeau that they take a leap of faith with O'Toole?

I could have voted in this election under new non-resident election rules. But I don't think I could have brought myself vote for anyone. The Liberals under Trudeau are arrogant, entitled and called an election for the sake of calling an election. The Tories won't require their candidates to be vaccinated while the Conservative government in Alberta handled the pandemic quite poorly. The NDP are full of BDS as are the Greens (save for their soon to be ex-leader) while the Popular Party of Canada are a bunch of vaccine resistant Trumpers. 

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Well, I did enjoy watching the election results on the CBC - even if it was online.

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