Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Dressing Down AOC

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's "Tax The Rich" dress she wore at last night's Met Gala in New York City represents the triumph of style over substance.

For her part, AOC argues, "The medium is the message." I'm not sure if this is what McLuhan had in mind. Nevertheless she got attention and I'm giving her some more.

Yet her message rings hollow. She did this at a function which cost in excess of $35,000 to attend. Perhaps that money would have been better used trying to keep some families in her constituency from being evicted from their homes.

Last I checked, AOC is a member of Congress and could always introduce legislation to tax the rich. But that involves hard work and compromise AOC prefers to take the easy way. AOC has never had a substantive piece of legislation passed by Congress. She is essentially Melania Trump without the intellectual pretension. As Seattle socialist City Councillor Kshama Sawant tweeted:

The unfortunate truth is we're not going to tax the rich or win Medicare for All or 15 by attending billionaire galas. We won Seattle's historic $15/hour & Amazon Tax not by me attending Amazon or Chamber of Commerce events, but by me using my office to build fighting movements.

It's the kind of work that doesn't get you trending at the top of Twitter but can make a meaningful difference in people's lives. As for AOC, it seems she is more interested in her own glory like too many other politicians. 

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