Monday, January 23, 2017

Please Stop Giving Trump Supporters Attitude at High Altitudes

First, Ivanka Trump was berated by an anti-Trump passenger on her flight in December forcing his eviction.

Now another anti-Trump protester has been removed from a flight after berating her pro-Trump seatmate.

Like it or not, people voted for Donald Trump in sufficient numbers to elect him President of the United States and all the screaming in the world isn't going to change it.

Sure, one can protest as I and about 175,000 of my closest friends did at the Boston Common this past Saturday. But there's a time and place for everything and there's absolutely no reason for those of us who oppose Trump to flip out on people who voted for Trump. All that accomplishes is reinforce that person's loyalty to Trump. The fact of the matter is that in order for Trump to be defeated in 2020 is for his supporters to abandon him. That isn't going to happen if we shout in people's faces.

There's nothing with debate, discussion and (polite) disagreement. In fact, it's quite healthy. What's not healthy is getting angry with people in public solely because they did not vote as you did.

So please I beg of you to stop giving Trump supporters attitudes at high altitudes. Yes, the same applies at land and at sea as well.

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