Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Maine Governor LePage Pours Gasoline on The Trump-Lewis Feud

If President-Elect Donald Trump can be viewed as someone who sets fires then Maine Governor Paul LePage can be viewed as someone who pours gasoline on them.

During a radio interview, LePage commented on Georgia Congressman John Lewis' criticism that Trump is an illegitimate President:

How about John Lewis last week? Criticizing the president. You know, I will just say this. John Lewis ought to look at history. It was Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves. It was Rutherford B. Hayes and Ulysses S. Grant that fought against Jim Crow laws. A simple 'thank you' would suffice.

Now that LePage has emptied the gasoline can let me make three points.

First, Lewis was only criticizing the legitimacy of Trump's presidency, not that of his Republican predecessors (although it's certainly true that in the 19th Century Republicans were considerably more progressive than Democrats on the issue of ending slavery). Had LePage simply disagreed with Lewis' assessment of Trump's election that would have been fine (i.e. Mike Pence). Indeed, I think Lewis is like of lot of liberals who cannot accept the fact that American voters freely chose Trump to be the next President. The Russian angle enables Lewis and others to rationalize Hillary Clinton's defeat. But LePage's commentary on past Republican Presidents was simply irrelevant.

Second, to even suggest Lewis ought to "look at history" is incredibly patronizing and condescending considering Lewis' own firsthand experience. Is Lewis above criticism? He certainly isn't. But if one is to critique Lewis then critique him on the merits of what he actually said and do so with the utmost courtesy and respect. Right or wrong, John Lewis is pretty much the last living link we have to Martin Luther King, Jr. This is a link that should be honored and treasured and not dismissed so lightly even if his argument against Trump isn't particularly compelling.

Third, LePage's incendiary nonsense keeps the fight between Trump and Lewis alive. As I argued the other day, this is not a fight Trump nor his allies should choose. But choose it they have and nothing good can come of it.

Given that LePage cited Lincoln it is a shame he didn't follow his advice. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

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