Monday, September 19, 2016

When It Comes to ISIS Both Hillary & Trump Talk Out of Their Asses

In the wake of bombs going off in New York & New Jersey and a mass stabbing in Minnesota, I'm not surprised Hillary Clinton would claim that Donald Trump is "giving aid and comfort" to ISIS.

After all, it was back in December when Hillary claimed that Trump was "ISIS' best recruiter" and using him in their videos. This was a lie.

Of course, Trump hasn't covered himself in virtue where it concerns ISIS. It was only last month that Trump claimed both Hillary & President Obama were founders of ISIS.

Would Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump please shut the hell up?

They have no solutions for ISIS so they are reduced to talking out of their asses by trying to make the other synonymous with ISIS.

Let me break something to both of them.

ISIS beheaded James Foley without a moment's thought for Hillary Clinton.

ISIS beheaded Steven Sotloff without a moment's thought for Donald Trump.

ISIS would love nothing better than to behead the President of the United States - be it Hillary or Trump.

Until Hillary and Trump recognize this they have nothing worth saying about ISIS and the fight against radical Islamic terrorism.

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