Thursday, September 29, 2016

Obama's Answer as To Why He Won't Say "Islamic Terrorism" Contradicts What He Said at The 2015 National Prayer Breakfast

On Wednesday night's CNN Town Hall, President Obama was asked by a Gold Star mother why he won't use the phrase "Islamic Terrorism". He said in part:

If you had an organization that was going around killing and blowing people up and said, 'We're on the vanguard of Christianity.' As a Christian, I'm not going to let them claim my religion and say, 'you're killing for Christ.' I would say, that's ridiculous. That's not what my religion stands for. Call these folks what they are, which is killers and terrorists.
But this contradicts what he said at the National Prayer Breakfast in February 2015, You know the one where he told us to get off our high horse about ISIS beheading people:
And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. 
So if President Obama is prepared to kill Christians killed in the name of Christ during The Crusades then why he is unwilling to say ISIS kills in the name of Muhammad? ISIS might well be perverting Islam but who is Obama as a Christian to say so? Is Obama claiming to know more Islam than Muslims? 
Of course, it was Obama who famously said at the UN that the century did not belong to those who slandered Muhammad. Interestingly, he was silent about the status of those who slandered Christ. 
In any case, most people understand that it would be foolish to claim every single Muslim engage in terrorism. Yet it would be equally foolish to deny that a critical mass of Muslims engage in terrorism and that it is a global problem. President Obama is squarely in this latter category and will remain there until the end of his presidency and beyond. 

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