Monday, September 19, 2016

NYC Mayor de Blasio Now "Definitely Leaning" Towards Terrorism in NY/NJ Bomb Incidents

So let's see here. A bomb explodes on Saturday night in New York City wounding 29 people with another explosive device found a few blocks away. The explosion comes hours after another bomb exploded near a Marine charity race across the Hudson in New Jersey where several other unexploded bombs were found. Then came the pipe bombs located at a train station in Elizabeth, New Jersey (one of which was detonated by authorities).

This morning authorities captured Ahmad Khan Rahami following a shootout with him in which he was wounded.

In light of all this information, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says he's now "definitely leaning" towards terrorism.

I'm not sure how much more information the man formerly known as Warren Wilhelm, Jr. needs to definitively conclude these were acts of terrorism. Perhaps he was waiting for Rahami to shout "Allahu Akbar!!!"

Nah, that wouldn't have made any difference. The Fort Hood shooter did that and the Obama Administration still concluded it was an act of "workplace violence." Why would de Blasio react any differently? Perhaps he would say the bombs were "randomly situated devices of a potentially explosive nature."

It is a miracle that this country survives the morons who run it. But, as much as our leaders might want, we can't avoid staring the reality of radical Islamic terrorism in the face forever. But by the time we do a lot of Americans will have lost their lives. I fear the numbers will dwarf the lives lost on September 11, 2001.

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