Friday, September 23, 2016

So Cruz is Gonna Endorse The Guy Who Said His Dad Was Involved in The JFK Assassination

Less than two months after being booed off the stage at the Republican National Convention for imploring delegates to vote their conscience, Ted Cruz will now endorse Donald Trump after all. Cruz will now endorse the man who said his father was involved in the JFK assassination.

It just goes to show that Donald Trump can get away with anything.

I can just hear Cruz now. "Hey sure, Donald said some nutty things about my Dad, but now he's going to name my friend Mike Lee to the Supreme Court."

Well, I guess that makes up for everything. But if the Democrats gain control of the Senate to whom do you think Trump will be beholden - Ted Cruz or Chuck Schumer?

I know Cruz is doing this in part to fend off a primary challenge by Republicans sore at what they believe was his disrespect for Trump at the RNC. Nevertheless, I am disappointed. I was giving strong consideration to writing him & Carly Fiorina on my ballot. Cruz-Fiorina would have been far more viable for me than Trump-Pence. But now both Cruz and Fiorina have lain down for The Donald.

At this point, I will probably cast a ballot for Ben Sasse, the one Republican Senator who opposed Trump from the get-go.

And if Sasse folds then I guess I can write in my own Governor Charlie Baker who has wanted nothing to do with Trump.

And if Baker folds there's always Groucho Marx (a.k.a. Rufus T. Firefly). "The last guy who ran the place. He didn't know what to do with it. If you think things are bad now wait 'til I get through with it."

We're all in for some duck soup.

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