Saturday, October 31, 2020

Why I Fear Trump Supporters Will Commit Election Day Violence

Like many people I fear the possibility of Election Day violence

Violence in voting is something one usually associates with countries like India or Nigeria

But with President Trump calling upon his supporters to become "poll watchers" we could have election day violence in the United States. If armed Trump supporters are willing to use vehicles to try to drive the Biden campaign bus off the road is it really a stretch to imagine that armed Trump supporters would shoot voters in predominantly minority communities in cities like Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia or here in Atlanta?

I think even among the staunchest of Trump supporters there is a realization that he will probably lose this election on the up and up. Trump supporters like the power they have and want to keep it at any cost - including the lives of their fellow Americans who they see as enemies because they do not worship at the altar of Trump. From the perspective of these Trump supporters, if a few Americans or a few hundred Americans die so that Trump remains in power then those dead Americans are collateral damage, if anything at all.

If Trump supporters do kill voters they can expect Trump to defend them as he defended the Kenosha Killer and whose mother would receive a standing ovation at the Wisconsin GOP meeting. Or at least not receive any condemnation. When militia members were arrested and charged for plotting to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Trump reserved his ire for Whitmer. While people committing violence in the name of Trump might have to answer to the law they will attain living martyrdom among the Trump universe. That is one hell of an incentive to commit murder and mayhem. 

I hope Election Day comes and go without incident. But I will not be surprised if it doesn't.

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