Monday, October 26, 2020

GOP Senate Confirms Barrett to the Supreme Court in a Month; No Stimulus Bill in Sight

Exactly one month after President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court in a ceremony better known for spreading COVID-19 in the White House and Washington, D.C., the GOP Senate today confirmed her to the Court by a 52-48 and she was sworn in this evening by Justice Clarence Thomas (at the White House no less). The 48-year old Barrett will start her tenure on the Court tomorrow. Barrett's confirmation comes only 8 days before the election with 62 million Americans having already voted

While it only took a month for the Senate to confirm Justice Barrett, it has been nearly five and a months since the House first passed the $3 trillion HEROES Act and just over three weeks after the House passed a slimmed down $2.2 trillion HEROES Act. All Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans were willing to cough up $500 billion with no stimulus and no enhanced unemployment benefits and failed to get that far.

Two thirds of American voters wanted the Senate to pass a new stimulus bill before confirming Justice Barrett, but Republicans don't give a damn about what people want or their needs. Indeed, it reinforces my disagreement earlier today with the New Hampshire Union Leader's editorial urging "the election of healthy dose of GOP senators and representatives" notwithstanding their endorsement of Joe Biden. A healthy dose of Republican Senators is not looking out for the health and well being of Americans unable to find work, pay their rent and mortgages or cope with COVID-19. 

Conservatives might now have a solid majority on the Supreme Court, but voters can deny conservatives control of both the White House and the Senate. In which case, Republicans will learn the hard way that voters' priorities are very different from their own.

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