Monday, October 26, 2020

Re-Electing Trump Would Be a Middle Finger to 225,000 Plus Dead Americans

On NRO, editor Rich Lowry makes the claim that re-electing President Trump would represent "a middle finger" to "the cultural Left":

Besides the occasional dissenting academic and brave business owner or ordinary citizen, Trump is, for better or for worse, the foremost symbol of resistance to the overwhelming woke cultural tide that has swept along the media, corporate America, Hollywood, professional sports, the big foundations, and almost everything in between. 

For his part, Lowry cedes, "This may not be a very good reason to vote for a president, and it doesn't excuse Trump's abysmal conduct and maladministration."

I would say this is not only a bad reason to vote for President Trump, but an abysmal one.

Conservatives might view the re-election of President Trump as a middle finger to "the cultural Left".

Moral people would view the re-election of President Trump as a middle finger to 225,000 dead Americans and counting not to mention their loved ones. According to Johns Hopkins University, COVID-19 has claimed the lives of 225,495 Americans as of this writing

With all our medical know how and our public health institutions, there is no way this many people should have died much less got this sick. But under President Trump, medical science takes a backseat to ideology steeped in irrationality. The consequence of which is that a significant portion of the American populace has ceased to love thy neighbor. They spurn masks and eschew social distancing to attend Trump rallies where he complains that all Joe Biden and Democrats want to talk about is "COVID!!! COVID!!! COVID!!!" Well, if the deaths of 225,000 Americans in less than a calendar year doesn't warrant public discussion then what does? 

Lest we forget that this country is now adding tens of thousands of new cases a day. After recording 80,000 plus cases on Friday and Saturday, we somehow managed to add just under 60,000 new cases on Sunday. In three days, the United States recorded more new COVID-19 cases than Canada has had during the entire pandemic (216,104). This isn't anything about which to be proud. Yet Trump and his supporters are infected with pride. 

There are those within this orbit who erroneously claim that only a fraction of the deaths are truly attributable to COVID. These are claims made by people who wish to minimize the "American carnage" while holding Trump blameless. This is behavior fitting of a cult.

It should be noted Lowry believes it is more likely that Biden will be elected, but is hedging his bets to keep in Trump's good graces. In truth, there is no grace when it comes to Trump. There is only disgrace. No good can come of Trump's re-election. Only more disease, death and the disdain of a middle finger. 

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