Thursday, July 30, 2020

COVID-19 & President Trump Claim The Life of Herman Cain

Former 2012 GOP presidential aspirant Herman Cain has died of COVID-19 at the age of 74.

Four weeks ago, Cain tested positive for COVID-19 and was hospitalized less than two weeks after attending President Trump's rally in Tulsa while not wearing a mask nor social distancing. At the time I wrote:

Given Cain's age (he is now 74), medical history and vulnerable immune system it is all the more reason for him to have not been within 100 miles of Tulsa. He should have known better. It makes one wonder if the devotion to Trump casts aside all other considerations including one's own life. In which case so much for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Whatever one thinks of Herman Cain's political views he has lived a successful life and I would hate to see him or anyone else throw it away for Donald Trump. Would Trump put his life on the line for Herman Cain or any of the other nearly 2.7 million Americans who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (and counting)? Given that Trump plans to speak before thousands of people at Mount Rushmore tomorrow without regard to masks or social distancing, I think we all know to answer to that question.

With that I hope that Cain and his wife Gloria to whom he has been married for 52 years can find a way through COVID-19 just as they did through Stage 4 cancer.

Sadly, Cain could not overcome COVID-19 as he did with cancer. Since writing the above paragraph another 1.5 million Americans have tested positive for COVID-19 and more than 20,000 have died because of it including Mr. Cain. 

Obviously, Cain is the most famous individual to have passed away after attending the Tulsa rally less than six weeks ago. Given the sparse attendance at the rally, it could have been much worse. Yet one wonders how many of the other 6,000 plus attendees have gotten sick and have died that we don't know about. 

Whatever the figure may be it falls on President Trump's head. Yes, Herman Cain was a grown man who chose to attend the rally, not to wear a mask or engage in social distancing. Yet less us consider the following.

It is Trump who insisted on holding the Tulsa rally.

It is Trump who insisted on politicizing the use of masks. 

It is Trump who declared at the Tulsa rally that he wanted to slow the testing down. 

It is Trump who minimized the severity of COVID-19 and dismissed it as the sniffles.

It is Trump who because of his incompetence and malevolence has made COVID-19 a catastrophe in the United States as most of the world has managed to keep a lid on it.

If Donald Trump weren't President of the United States then Herman Cain would still be alive. The same goes for more than 150,000 Americans.


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