Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Time For Impeachment Hearings Against Barr In Light of Mueller Letter

A scathing letter from Special Counsel Robert Mueller to Attorney General William Barr has been leaked taking issue with Barr's four page summary of the Mueller Report released more than five weeks ago.

The letter, dated March 27th, written four days after the Barr released his summary states:

The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions. There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.

In other words, Bill Barr lied. He also lied to Congress. When testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 10th, he was asked by Maryland Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen if Mueller supported his conclusions. Barr replied he did not know if Mueller supported his conclusions. Van Hollen has now called upon Barr to resign while other Democrats have called for Barr's impeachment. 

Barr is actually scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee tomorrow and the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday. I suspect both these appearances will be delayed. I also suspect that President Trump will soon tweet about illegal leaks, presidential harassment, witch hunts, coups, treason among the other things he generally likes to tweet about on a Wednesday morning.

Under the circumstances, the time has come for Democrats to begin impeachment hearings. I still don't think President Trump would be impeached, but his Attorney General would be a good place to start. Who knows? Perhaps Barr will admit that Trump directed him to write the four page summary. That still might not be enough to impeach the President, but those Republicans seeking re-election in 2020 will begin to jump ship. Somehow I don't think Barr is the only cabinet member who has seen fit to lie for Trump. 

If there is one rat then dozens are bound to surface. Unfortunately, the dirtiest rat of them all could survive and continue his parasitic behavior for another four years. But at this point I don't think Democrats can afford to look the other way when Trump and his subordinates obstruct justice and make mockery of the rule of law. 

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