Monday, April 29, 2019

Prediction: AOC Will Endorse Elizabeth Warren for 2020 Democratic Race

One of the most closely scrutinized aspects of the 2020 Democratic race will be who Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ends up endorsing (if anyone).

AOC worked as an organizer for Bernie Sanders during the 2016 campaign. But this doesn't necessarily mean much. Symone Sanders (no relation) was Bernie's national press secretary in 2016 is now Joe Biden's chief campaign strategist. Now I don't think AOC will endorse Biden given her very public lack of enthusiasm for his candidacy a fortnight ago. So who would she endorse?

I would put my money on Elizabeth Warren. First, I can't see AOC endorsing "an old, white male" even if he is Bernie Sanders. Second, I don't see her endorsing a young, white male either - gay or straight, white or black. So this means the candidate will be a woman and/or a person of color. This leaves the quarter of Warren, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobachur and Kirsten Gillibrand. Neither Klobachur and Gillibrand aren't radical enough for AOC and would be easily overshadowed by her. As for Harris, her law and order past won't give her street cred with the Bronx based Congresswoman.

This leaves Warren who of the current presidential candidates has come out the strongest in support of President Trump's impeachment, support of the AOC backed Green New Deal and has also come out with a series of detailed economic policy proposals including the forgiveness of student debt and higher taxes on the wealthy which will resonate with AOC's Millennial demographic base and ideological wheel house. Then there's the fact that AOC and Warren met for lunch on Capitol Hill in late March and got along famously. Shortly thereafter, Warren wrote an endorsement for AOC on the Time 100 list. It wouldn't be a stretch if AOC were to give an endorsement in return.

As it stands now, Warren's poll numbers are weak and is polling behind both Bernie and Biden in Massachusetts and barely ahead of Pete Buttigieg. An endorsement from AOC would not only boost Warren, but could put her over the top. I also believe AOC would endorse Warren with the confidence that she won't defeat Trump in 2020 giving her room to run in 2024. Indeed, if Warren loses the mainstream media won't say that AOC can't pick a winner, but go to that old "voters are sexist" standby which Hillary Clinton has been dining out on for the past two and a half years.

For her part, AOC has said she won't make an endorsement until after the New York Primary. But that date has yet to be scheduled. Depending on when it is scheduled, AOC might break with tradition if Warren is still in the race. If President Trump won by breaking every rule in the book why wouldn't AOC do the same?

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