Saturday, June 15, 2024

I Finally Got My $75 Back From The Wilbur Theatre


I have some good news to report. Late this afternoon, I received a check in the mail from the Wilbur Theatre in the amount of $75.

As you might recall, I was going to attend a concert by Emmylou Harris last March but was denied entry because of the bag I was carrying with me. To add insult to injury, the Wilbur Theatre not only refused me entry into their establishment but informed me they were going to keep my $75 despite not having rendered any service. 

Following the post, I reached out yet again to their box office by phone and then subsequently contacted them by email in an effort to get a refund. I was refused over the phone while my email was ignored.

In early April, after returning from my trip to Thunder Bay, I contacted the Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation who recommended I file a complaint with the Massachusetts Attorney General and I took their advice.

In early May, I was contacted by email by an intern working with the Cambridge Consumers' Council (CCC_, an entity of the City of Cambridge and works in cooperation with the Massachusetts Attorney General to resolve consumer complaints. I wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but I opted to be open minded and let the process run its course.

The CCC asked me to furnish them with a copy of my ticket so they could reach out to the Wilbur Theatre. At the end of May, the CCC notified me the Wilbur Theater had offered me and a guest a chance to attend an upcoming event of my choice at their venue. However, I declined this overture.

My reason for declining this offer was that it was made only as a result of the CCC's intervention on behalf of the Massachusetts Attorney General. This was not something the Wilbur Theatre was prepared to do of its own volition when I reached out to them over the phone and by email. Had they done so, I might have given that offer greater consideration.

However, under the circumstances, I do not wish to spend another penny at the Wilbur Theatre and want nothing more to do with them. After all, what assurances did I have that they wouldn't try to pull another stunt? Why should I trust them to make good on such an offer? Besides, at this point, I simply wanted my $75. I considered it a matter of principle and told the CCC that is I what I wished.

The CCC subsequently informed me earlier this month the Wilbur agreed to refund my money. Of course, the Wilbur did drag their feet by asking for my Ticketmaster account. However, I had to remind the CCC that I did not utilize Ticketmaster as I had purchased the ticket in person at their box office. With that, the Wilbur could no longer stall and finally did what they should have done nearly three months ago - give me my $75 back.

Of course, I wish this incident had never transpired. I wish they would have allowed me into their venue. I would have rather seen and heard Emmylou Harris perform than have to gone through this process. But since I was denied entry into the concert, I am pleased that I stood my ground and that it paid off. 

In life, one must choose one's battles wisely even if there is no guarantee of a satisfactory outcome. In this particular instance, I had to fight this battle. When I pay money for a product or service, I expect to receive that product or service. If I pay money only to be denied a product or service, then it is incumbent upon the merchant to return my money. 

The Wilbur Theatre tried to have it both ways by denying me their services while keeping my money. This I could not tolerate. Now that this has been resolved I can only hope the Wilbur will do right by people when situations such as my own arise in the future.

I would like to take a moment to thank the office of the Massachusetts Attorney General and the Cambridge Consumers' Council for their work in resolving this matter. It just goes to show that government can be useful and work in the interests of everyday people. 

I would also encourage people, wherever they might live, to utilize these tools to get their money back should they become victim of unfair and unsavory business practices. We do not have to accept conduct which is unacceptable. 

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