Thursday, June 27, 2024

Four Thoughts on Biden-Trump 2024 Debate #1

Like millions of other Americans, I watched the first 2024 presidential debate between President Biden and defeated, former President Trump. Here are my thoughts.

1. Trump Got His Points Across Better Than Biden.... But Those Points Were Lies

I wish we saw the President Biden who appeared at last March's State of the Union. Tonight, he was low energy and was heavily stuttering. As a result, Trump got his points across much better.

Of course, the problem is that nearly everything which came out of his mouth was total bullshit. 

Among other things, Trump claimed Biden introduced mandates when most of the COVID measures occurred under his watch as well as by state and local officials.

Trump claimed everyone wanted to overturn Roe v. Wade. If everyone wanted to turn over Roe v. Wade, voters in red states would not be rejecting abortion restrictions en masse.

Trump claimed the U.S.-Mexico border was "the most dangerous in the world." I think the border between Russia and Ukraine is a far more perilous place to be.

Trump claimed "hundreds of thousands are dying" because of illegal immigrants. No, just no.

Trump claimed illegal immigrants were staying at first class hotels while veterans were homeless. Nope, that was an utter fabrication.

Trump claimed President Biden "created inflation." Inflation is a global problem and we're ahead of all nations in curbing it. 

Trump claimed then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser turned down his offer of 10,000 National Guard troops. He did no such thing.

Trump claimed credit for the Veterans Choice program. It was established in 2014 - two years before his election.

Trump claimed he lowered the cost of insulin for Medicare beneficiaries. This is, in fact, one of President Biden's signature achievements.

Of course, the problem is that there might be enough voters who believe Trump's bullshit.

2. Trump Projected His Qualities onto Biden

With lying comes projection and Trump did plenty of this too.

Trump said of Biden, "Nobody lies like him." 

Said the man who lied more than 30,000 times while he was President.

Trump said of Biden, "This man is a criminal."

Said the man who was convicted by a jury of peers in New York City and may soon face other juries.

Trump said of Biden, "He goes after his political opponents when you can't win fair and square."

Said the man who still cannot accept the results of the 2020 election.

3. Trump Repeatedly Refused to Answer Questions 

Time and again, Trump wouldn't answer repeated questions from CNN debate moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

Tapper thrice asked Trump what he would do to help those suffering from opioid addiction. 

Trump claimed Biden was being paid by China, then talked about the border before talking about Vladimir Putin. 

But he didn't have a word for anyone in the throes of opioid addiction. 

Bash twice asked Trump about what he would do about the climate crisis. 

The first time Trump talked about how much the police love him and what he did for Historically Black Colleges.

When Bash followed up with him, Trump put together a word salad consisting of "clean water", "clean air", "we had H20", "all forms of energy", "best environment ever."

This prompted President Biden to ask, "Where the hell has he been?"

Tapper thrice asked Trump would what he would concerning childcare.

Trump responding by complaining how Biden doesn't fire people, that he would raise taxes and about the Afghanistan withdrawal.

But Trump didn't have a word to say to families in need of affordable childcare.

Bash thrice asked Trump if he would accept the results of the 2024 election regardless of the outcome.

Trump claimed of Biden "he indicted me" and how Putin took a lot of land from Bush, Obama and Biden before saying he would accept the election if it was "fair" and "legal".

At which point, Biden pointed out that Trump would only accept the election results if he was the winner because he is "a whiner" adding, "Something snapped when you lost."

The long and the short of it is that Trump didn't answer questions about the opioid crisis, the climate crisis and childcare because he doesn't give a damn about any of these things. He cares only for his own retribution. The problem is a lot of people share his bloodlust for retribution. 

4. Will People Be More Put Off by Trump's Lies or Biden's Low Energy?

I would like to think that Trump's performance turned more people off than on. But most of the focus thus far has been on Biden and none of it good.

There are the panicked calls for Biden to drop out. But that would merely play into Trump's tiny hands.

Besides last I checked President Biden doesn't have any criminal convictions to his name.

Did President Biden have a good night? Not particularly. I hate to say it but if Barack Obama or Bill Clinton at the podium they would have knocked Trump on his ass. 

But Biden can live to fight another day - namely their second debate on September 10th. 

Of course, a lot can happen in the next 75 days. Both parties will have their conventions, a VP debate will likely happen, Trump will be sentenced in New York barring a delay and developments could happen in his other trials.

But tonight, it was President Biden took it on the chin even as Trump's nose grew larger than Pinocchio's. 

If one bad night for Biden counts for more with a plurality of American voters than a lifetime of dishonesty and criminal behavior on the part of Trump, then we will get the President we deserve.

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