Saturday, June 8, 2024

I Saw An Anti-Semitic Sign at Boston Pride

This afternoon, I briefly checked out the Boston Pride festivities in Boston Common when I saw a most contemptible sign:

No Cops and Zionists at Pride

I tried to get a picture of the sign, but the transgendered individual in question saw me and took off. While I do not know this individual's preferred pronouns, I do have some choice adjectives I'd like to use.

First, let's address the objection to the police. While there are police officers who conduct themselves in a brutish and unprofessional manner and police departments which tolerate this behavior, the fact remains that all civilized societies must have some sort of body to enforce the law. Among these police officers are members of the LGBTQ community. It isn't to say the LGBTQ community doesn't face challenges in its relationship with law enforcement excluding it from Pride altogether is counterproductive. 

Now, let me turn my attention to Zionists. Needless to say, this is what caught my attention. When people use the term Zionist in a pejorative manner they mean Jews. Sadly, there have been instances when LGBTQ Jews have been forbidden from participating in Pride events in Chicago and in D.C. in recent years over objections to the Jewish Pride flag while the Palestinian flag is allowed to fly. Then there are Queers for Palestine. Mind you, there is a a thriving LGBTQ community in Israel whereas identifying as LGBTQ in Gaza and in the West Bank is punishable by death

Does this sign represent majority sentiment in the LGBTQ community? I suspect not. However, as in the American body politic at large, I equally suspect there is a critical mass which does and in the coming years their influence will grow. What I fear most is that in time Zionists (read: Jews) will not only be unwelcome in the LGBTQ community, but in American society at large.

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