Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hunter Biden's Conviction: Why Most Voters Won't Visit The Sins of The Son Upon The Father

Republicans are falling all over themselves trying to put Hunter Biden's conviction on three federal gun charges on the same or higher plane than the 34 convictions against defeated, former President Donald Trump in a New York courtroom last month. 

Trump and his minions can scream "Biden crime family" from now until November, but I do not believe that most voters outside of the MAGA fever swamps will visit the sins of the son upon the father. Whatever his legal transgressions and consequences which may follow, the younger Biden never served in his father's administration nor held a government appointed position. As much as Republicans want to use Hunter Biden to impeach President Biden for lawful activities he engaged in while a private citizen, it simply won't resonate with voters including a small segment of GOP voters.

This isn't to say that President Biden won't lose to Trump come November. But if he does, Hunter Biden's criminal convictions and any sentence he might face won't be the reason.

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