Friday, June 7, 2024

Caitlin Clark: Why Are They Trying To Kill The Goose That Laid The Golden Egg?

On Friday afternoon, I had lunch with a friend of mine and much of the conversation centered around Caitlin Clark.

Until now, I have not previously written about her. But unless you've been living under a quarry it is impossible not to be aware of her and the impact she has had on both women's basketball and basketball at large. 

During her distinguished collegiate career with the University of Iowa Hawkeyes, she became the all-time leading scorer in NCAA history - man or woman. Clark drove attendance records whether Iowa played at home or on the road. It didn't stop there as she also drove record TV ratings during the NCAA Women's Final Four.

Of course, Clark was subsequently the number one pick in the WNBA draft by the Indiana Fever and she continues to draw money in both game attendance and TV ratings. With regard to attendance, the Fever have sold more tickets in their first five games this season than they did all of last season. My friend and his wife are planning to travel to Connecticut next week to see Clark play.

Alas, when we build someone up, we are quick to want to tear them down. There are those who seek to make race an issue claiming Clark is only popular because she's white not because she's the NCAA's all-time leading scorer. 

Those who are making Clark's race an issue does so out of malice and mendacity. To suggest that fans only like Clark because she's white is like saying NBA fans only liked "Pistol" Pete Maravich, Larry Bird or the recently departed Bill Walton because they were white. Clark is every bit as an extraordinary basketball player as Maravich, Bird and Walton.

Caitlin Clark is getting a broad stratum of the American public to pay attention to the WNBA. She is going to make other WNBA players a lot richer. Clark is the goose that laid the golden egg. So why are they trying to kill the goose? 

Should they succeed in killing the golden goose they are going lose people like my friend and his wife and many others who crossed state lines just to see Caitlin Clark play. But some people like to cut off their nose to spite their face. If this comes to pass then the WNBA will be cosigned to the ash heap of history.

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