Thursday, November 5, 2020

Counties Hardest Hit By COVID-19 Supported Trump

What an astounding report by The Associated Press:

U.S. voters went to the polls starkly divided on how they see President Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. But in places where the virus is most rampant now, Trump enjoyed enormous support.

An Associated Press analysis reveals that in 376 counties with the highest number of new cases per capita, the overwhelming majority — 93% of those counties — went for Trump, a rate above other less severely hit areas.

Most were rural counties in Montana, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Wisconsin — the kinds of areas that often have lower rates of adherence to social distancing, mask-wearing and other public health measures, and have been a focal point for much of the latest surge in cases.

The report goes on to state, "Trump voters interviewed by AP reporters said they value individual freedom and believed the president was doing as well as anyone could in response to the coronavirus."

Trump voters might want liberty but they end up with death. So much for being pro-life.

I don't see how any reasonable person can conclude Trump could do as well as anyone could in response to COVID-19. Last I checked, New Zealand, a country of 5 million people, has had fewer than 2,000 cases (1,973) and 25 deaths. According to Johns Hopkins University, at this hour, the United States now has passed 9.6 million cases with 234,876 deaths. Today, there were more than 109,000 new cases on top of the 104,000 cases yesterday. Suffice it to say, President Trump is no Jacinda Ardern. 

While many U.S. counties voted for Trump despite the COVID surge, should Joe Biden be elected President of the United States it will be because of Trump's malevolent response to COVID-19.

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