Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Some People Hate America....Tammy Duckworth Isn't One of Them

There are some people who hate America and I would put those who make no distinction between those who preserved slavery and those who abolished slavery into that category.

However, I would not include Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth into this group.

Tucker Carlson, on the other hand, does.

The Fox News talking head took Duckworth to task last night for telling CNN's Dana Bash over the weekend, "We should have a national dialogue on it at some point," on the question of whether to remove monuments of George Washington.

Yet if one actually scrutinizes Duckworth's remarks she immediately reminds Bash "we're in the middle of a global pandemic." Duckworth then goes on to discuss President Trump's lack of accountability on Russia paying the Taliban bounties to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan. While Duckworth might sincerely believe we should discuss removing statues of George Washington it is far from her top priority.

Duckworth did get into a bit of a hornet's nest when Bash pressed her on the subject when she stated Mount Rushmore "was standing on ground that was stolen from Native Americans who had actually been given that land during a treaty."

However, if even one disagrees with Duckworth's views, they are a long way from hating America which is what Carlson asserted when he asked, "Can you really lead a country you hate?"

Carlson also attacked Duckworth personally, "Most people just ignore her. But when Duckworth does speak in public, you're reminded what a deeply silly and unimpressive person she is."

Of course, Duckworth (who lost both her legs while serving in Iraq in 2004) gave back as good as she got. Duckworth tweeted, "Does @TuckerCarlson want to walk a mile in my legs and then tell me whether or not I love America?"

Carlson walked right into that landmine.

Needless to say, Carlson has done her a favor. He was both disrespectful and dubious in his behavior towards Duckworth and she handed him his ass. Back in May, I thought that Duckworth would be a good choice for Joe Biden and this reinforces that belief. While Joe Biden will most likely pick an African-American woman as his running mate there can be no doubt Duckworth's stock has risen dramatically in the past 24 hours. Debating Trump's apologists is nothing compared to surviving battle with Iraqi insurgents. Duckworth can truly be said to be battle tested.

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