Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Donald Trump, Jr. Underestimates Biden By Invoking Younger Half Brother Barron

Despite being well behind in the polls against Joe Biden, Team Trump doesn't take his opponent very seriously at all. 

On Tuesday night, his older brother Don, Jr. weighed in on Biden's debating skills by invoking his 14-year old half-brother Barron, tweeting:

In all fairness, Joe Biden is not capable of debating Barron Trump let alone Donald Trump. 

Rasmussen: Is Joe Biden Capable Of Debating Donald Trump? Only 54% Say Yes - The Daily Caller.

Now I'm sure there will be those who will take Don, Jr. to task for invoking a child. After all, First Lady Melania Trump castigated Pamela Karlan, a House impeachment witness who invoked her son's name during her testimony last December. The First Lady said, "A minor child deserves privacy and should be kept out of politics." Somehow I have a feeling Melania Trump will spare her husband's eldest son the same admonition.

However, from where I sit, when you take Don, Jr's tweet, Eric Trump's statement and their father's false claim that Biden is trying to get out of the debates altogether is that they are seriously underestimating Biden. They do so at their own peril.

For all of Team Trump's criticism of Biden hiding in his bunker in reality Biden has been biding his time boning up on public policy as well as his debate skills. Which means Biden will be ready for President Trump when they meet at Notre Dame on September 29th and Trump, who is notorious for winging things, won't know what hit him. In which case, it will remove all doubt about Biden's capability of taking on Trump and taking on the responsibilities involved with being President of the United States.

By the time Biden gets through with Doanld Trump I'm sure many will wonder if the President is capable of debating a 14-year old child given that he has all the maturity of a 7-year old.

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