Thursday, April 27, 2017

Trump Should Offer to March in Portland, Oregon's Rose Parade

First it's freedom of speech. Now its freedom of assembly.

It's bad enough that the absurdly named anti-fascists forced Ann Coulter to cancel her speech at Berkeley, now they have forced Portland, Oregon to cancel its annual Roses Parade.


Because a few Republicans were going to participate in the parade.

From The Oregonian:

This year's parade was once again set to feature the Multnomah County Republican Party as one of the many groups slated to march, but that inclusion drew ire from some of the city's left-leaning protest groups.

At least two protests were planned for the day of the parade, one by Oregon Students Empowered and another by Direct Action Alliance. Both events were mentioned in an email sent to parade organizers on Saturday, threatening to shut down the event with hundreds of protesters in the street.

"You have seen how much power we have downtown and that the police cannot stop us from shutting down roads so please consider your decision wisely," the anonymous email said, telling organizers they could cancel the Republican group's registration or else face action from protesters. "This is non-negotiable."

The Washington Post reports that if local Republicans were to march that 200 anarchists would “rush into the parade” and “drag and push” GOP marchers.

In other words, nice parade you have. Too bad if anything were to happen to it.

Once again, the threat of violence has prevailed against law and order.

If President Trump were clever, he would call the organizers of the parade and ask them to reconsider with the offer to come to march in the parade.

No doubt the Left would see that as a provocation. Indeed, it is.

The First Amendment is being challenged by violent means. What better way for the President of the United States to come to its defense by offering to march with the good people of Portland, Oregon?If the President of the United States isn't safe to march then no one is.

Let's be honest. If Democratic Party activists were threatened in this manner who would have hesitated to call upon President Obama to intercede?

Such an intervention on Trump's part could help embolden everyday Americans and law enforcement to stand up to these hooligans and terrorists.

Then again Trump is the man who said there could be riots if he didn't get the Republican nomination. But coming to Portland, Oregon would not only make up for that sin, but it would be a powerful statement in favor of freedom that has, for lack of a better phrase, made America great.

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