Friday, April 7, 2017

The West Has Become Desensitized to Islamic Terror Attacks

As I write this authorities in Sweden are hunting for a man who hijacked a beer truck and rammed it into a department store in Stockholm, killing three people. This follows ramming attacks last summer in Nice, last Christmas in Berlin and last month's attack outside the British Parliament.

We are scarcely a fortnight removed from the London attack and it is very much on the backburner notwithstanding the death yesterday of the woman who fell into the River Thames during the attack. It's all Brexit all the time. I'm not arguing that Brexit isn't important, but whether Britain leaves Europe or not might be a moot point as it slowly becomes a Sharia compliant state.

Then there was the suicide bombing aboard a train in Saint Petersburg, Russia which claimed the lives of 14 people. That was four days ago and it is already a footnote.

Now there is no doubt the attack in Stockholm has taken a backseat in no small part to President Trump's decision to bomb Syria last night. Perhaps it is more comforting for people to think that Islamic terrorism is something that happens over there even if it is happening right in front of us. The ideology which makes the Syrian civil war possible is the same ideology that compels people to blow up trains, ram vehicles into shopping malls, attack sporting events or navigate airplanes into buildings. The sooner we understand that it is something we must confront rather than avoid the sooner it will end.

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