Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Seven Observations of President Biden's 1st SOTU Address

I watched President Biden's first SOTU address this evening and have these seven observations to offer:

1. The first portion of the speech was devoted to support Ukraine in its hour of need amid Russia's invasion. President Biden announced that U.S. airspace would now be closed to Russian flights. Biden also vowed to defend every inch of NATO territory. But that would require NATO making Ukraine a member. It's not clear what the U.S. much less NATO is prepared to do to defend Ukraine other than continue to send military hardware or provide covert military support. Biden did make a point of saying that Putin "had no idea what was coming". Of course, at this point, neither do we. But it's vastly better than defeated former President Trump who has praised Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

2. Yes, it appears that Biden said Iranian when he meant to say Ukrainian. Yes, Biden is a stutterer and he tripped over a lot of words tonight. At times he rushed or got tongue tied. But as long as the defeated former President Trump insists on defending Putin, Republicans can sit down and shut up on this one.

3. Republicans booed Biden when he spoke of the American Rescue Plan and taxing the wealthiest Americans. This means to me that if you're not part of the wealthiest 1% then Republicans don't give a flying fuck about you.

4. President Biden told us to "Buy American". Defeated former President Trump has also said "buy American" and so did President Obama. It's a nice political slogan which might earn a few votes but makes little economic sense and doesn't work. 

5. But President Biden also said, "Fund the police!!!" I can only hope more Democrats will follow his lead. Defunding the police is simply privatization. Defunding police doesn't eliminate the need for law enforcement and if public police forces aren't there to address that need then the private sector will step in and only be accountable to its shareholders. I suspect this was a message to so-called progressives like Rashida Tlaib who not only want to eliminate police departments but abolish prisons. Tlaib is giving a response to the SOTU on behalf of the Working Families Party. I'm glad that Biden is challenging the radical excesses within his party.

6. Shortly before the proceedings began I tweeted, "Will MTG or Boebert heckle President Biden? #SOTU2022" Well, Lauren Boebert sank to the occasion choosing to heckle Biden as he was speaking about his deceased son Beau which earned her boos from both Democrats and Republicans. When she tweeted at the conclusion of her address, I replied, "How does it feel to heckle a man talking about his deceased son?" This is the closest thing I've had to a viral tweet with 449 likes as of this writing. I mention this not to brag, but rather because I knew either she or MTG could not restrain themselves long enough and would strike at the worst possible time. In so doing, Boebert said a great deal more about herself than whatever she might have to say for President Biden.

7. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds gave the the GOP response. She blasted Biden over the Russian invasion of Ukraine even though defeated former President Trump has praised it, blasted Biden over the Afghanistan withdrawal even though it was Trump who chose to negotiate with the Taliban and blasted Biden over North Korea even though it was Trump who said he fell in love with its dictator. She touched on all the Republican talking points - inflation, CRT, illegal immigrants, defund the police but did so without much conviction. No one outside of Iowa will remember this response within the next 24 hours.

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