Monday, March 28, 2022

Tiffany Haddish's Concept of Beauty is Quite Ugly

Actress and comedienne Tiffany Haddish was among those defending Will Smith slapping Chris Rock during the Oscars last night:

When I saw a Black man stand up for his wife. That meant so much to me. As a woman, who has been unprotected, for someone to say like, ‘Keep my wife’s name out your mouth, leave my wife alone,’ that’s what your husband is supposed to do, right? Protect you. And that meant the world to me. And maybe the world might not like how it went down, but for me, it was the most beautiful thing I ever seen because it made me believe that there are still men out there that love and care about their women, their wives.

It seems to me that Haddish's concept of beauty is quite ugly. 

But let us assume that Haddish means what she says because it begs questions.

Would the beauty have been augmented had Smith used a knife or a gun in confronting Rock? Would that mean Smith cared even more about his wife?

Let us also keep in mind that Haddish praised Smith's actions on the basis of him being a black man who assaulted another black man. What if Rock had been slapped by someone who wasn't black? And let's say this non-black man happened to be married to a black woman. Would Haddish still be heaping praise?

And let us further suppose it was a female comedian who had uttered the joke about Jada Pinkett Smith being bald? If Joan Rivers were still among us I could easily imagine her going there. Would Haddish have considered it a thing of beauty for a man to strike a woman for offending his wife?

There are many ways one can describe Will Smith's act against Chris Rock. Beautiful is not among them.

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