Sunday, February 27, 2022

Russia Underestimated Ukraine - And So Did The Rest of the World

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is less than a week old, but in those few days it is very clear that Vladimir Putin underestimated Ukraine and so too did the rest of the world.

Russia thought the invasion would be a cakewalk. Instead, we are witnessing the sight of ordinary Ukrainians standing their ground and fighting back against a better armed enemy up to and including a 80-year old grandfather. Perhaps most astonishing of all is the sight of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the ground fighting alongside them knowing he has a target on his head. The courage of Zelensky and the people who elected him has captivated the world which underestimated them every bit as much as Russia.

After all it was the Biden Administration who offered Zelensky a flight out of Kyiv to which Zelensky brusquely responded, "I need ammunition, not a ride." I don't think the White House was counting on Zelensky taking that stance. 

I also think Putin has underestimated Russians, many of whom who have no quarrel with Ukraine and do not want this war and have been willing to publicly express that view despite threat of imprisonment

Under the circumstances, it might be the case that Putin is trying to save face by meeting with Ukraine on its border with Belarus starting tomorrow. Given that Belarus is Russia's closest ally, there is a part of me which fear that this meeting is a ruse to ambush Ukraine's leaders despite assurances to Zelensky from Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko. Let us remember it was in May 2021 that the Belarusian regime diverted a civilian flight from Greece to Lithuania into Minsk to arrest a leading dissident. Let us hope that Zelensky has contingency plans prepared in case Belarus is up to shenanigans.

Conditions could be very different in a week from now, let alone 24 hours. But for the moment Ukraine has defied the odds and has become a global symbol of hope in fighting for its survival and to preserve its democracy. 

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