Sunday, February 6, 2022

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson Declares State of Emergency Due to Out of Control Trucker Convoy

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson today declared a citywide state of emergency due to the out of control "trucker" convoy which has occupied the Canadian capital for more than a week. The state of emergency was called due to the occupation being a “serious danger and threat to the safety and security of residents.”

In a radio interview, Watson said“The situation at this point is completely out of control. The individuals with the protest are calling the shots. They have far more people than we have police officers.”

The irony in all of this is that these so-called protesters want businesses to reopen yet their very actions have forced businesses throughout downtown Ottawa to close their doors including the Rideau Mall which has been closed since January 29th when unmasked hooligans stormed the mall.

I lived in Ottawa for most of the 1990's before moving to Boston in 2000. Most of my time in Ottawa was spent in the downtown area in and around the Glebe and Centertown. I cannot imagine having to endure those conditions. Hopefully, anti-vaxxers won't get any funny ideas and try to replicate these occupations in various U.S. cities although I'm sure Boston Mayor Michelle Wu can relate to what the people of Ottawa are going through right now as similar nonsense prevails where she resides in Roslindale

This state of affairs cannot continue much longer especially that the so-called "truckers" have no intention of leaving and the Conservative Party is encouraging their lawlessness as are the likes of former President Trump, Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan. The longer this lasts sooner or later there is going to be a fatality or a series of fatalities and the Trudeau government will have no choice but to send in the military to put a stop to it.  

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