Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Why Trump Will Get Away With Mocking Ford

It should come as no surprise to anyone that President Trump publicly ridiculed Christine Blaney Ford at a political rally in Mississippi last night. This is his stock and trade.

If any other President were skeptical of Ford's accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, he would have kept that skepticism to himself. Certainly no other President would have attacked Ford's character. But Trump isn't like any other President. Remember this is a man who ridiculed a Gold Star mother without consequence. Trump isn't going to modify his behavior. There is a segment of the population which loves this "quality" of Trump and supports him because of it.

But there is something else. Like any other demagogue, Trump inserts a kernel of truth such as when he stated, "I think that it's a very scary time for young men in America when you can be guilty of something that you may not be guilty of." While such a statement might appall the #MeToo movement, it resonates with many families. Can you say the Duke Lacrosse team? Many in the #MeToo movement are out for blood and have no more regard for the truth than Trump does.

The only people who know what happened between Christine Blaney Ford and Brett Kavanaugh are Ford, Kavanaugh and Mark Judge. FBI investigation or not, we will never get to the truth of the matter and nothing good can come of it. Those who see fit to politicize sexual assault will be rewarded with the re-election of President Trump.

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