Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Thoughts on President Biden Testing Positive for COVID Again

President Biden has tested positive for COVID once more and is experiencing mild symptoms. He tested positive for COVID twice previously during the summer of 2022

His diagnosis comes Biden shortly after an interview with BET in which he indicated he could drop out of the race if a medical condition emerged.

It also doesn't help that prominent Democratic Congressman and California U.S. Senate candidate Adam Schiff today called upon Biden to drop out along with reports emerging that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer privately called upon Biden to drop out prior to the assassination attempt on former President Trump. 

I still think Biden dropping out would be a mistake. It's O.K. to have 34 convictions to your name and run for President, but one bad debate and you're out

But Biden's position is looking increasingly untenable among his party. The fact that Biden suggested a medical condition could force him from the race and has now yet again been diagnosed with COVID seems to indicate the writing is on the wall. 

If so, then what a shame.

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