Monday, July 29, 2024

A Couple of Thoughts on Hezbollah's Attack Which Killed 12 Druze Children in Israel's Golan Heights

On Saturday, Hezbollah bombed a soccer field in Majdal Shams, a town is Israel's Golan Heights resulting in the deaths of 12 children all members of the Druze community

Now Hezbollah has been launching missile attacks into northern Israel since the day after the Hamas attack resulting in the deaths of 24 Israeli civilians and 18 IDF soldiers and reservists. But given how this attack targeted children there is fear of an expanded war with the U.S. demanding Israel exercise restraint.

A couple of thoughts.

First, had the IDF bombed a soccer field in Gaza resulting in the deaths of 12 Palestinian children the international outrage would have been swift and unambiguous. But when it comes to Hezbollah killing children inside of Israel (even non-Jewish children), the reaction is meh. 

Second, there has been great emphasis on Hezbollah denying responsibility for the attack with many pointing out that it rarely denies responsibility for its action. I heard this on Bloomberg from some professor from Columbia University (quel surprise). On the contrary, Hezbollah has long denied responsibility for its actions. Besides, who else could have been responsible for the attack? Presbyterians?

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