Thursday, July 25, 2024

"Hamas is Comin'" is Very Ominous

It should come as no surprise that pro-Palestinian protesters, objecting to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress, would deface monuments, take down American flags and burn them and make anti-Semitic statements. This is their stock and trade. 

But what I found most ominous about yesterday's spectacle was the piece of graffiti at the Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain at D.C.'s Union Station which read, "Hamas is comin'."

What this means to me that Hamas is coming to launch an attack in the United States as we are viewed as Israel's benefactor. FBI Director Christopher Wray does not discount the possibility.

Such an attack could take many forms. They could target an American synagogue or a Jewish community center. They could also attack U.S. government landmarks with large numbers of visitors such as the Lincoln Memorial. They could attack an Amtrak passenger train or perhaps a large sporting/musical event. If such an attack by Hamas were to come to pass, it would be at the behest of Iran, its main sponsor. 

One could dismiss "Hamas is comin'" as yet another piece of propaganda. But if such sentiment does exist then that sentiment can be put into action. The question is if we'll be ready enough to stop it in its tracks.

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