Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Why Do Conservatives Think Trump Gives a Damn About The Supreme Court?

With Donald Trump all but declaring nuclear war on Congressional Republicans including those who actually haven't withdrawn their support, I found Alexandra DeSanctis' piece on the subject in NRO interesting. DeSanctis concludes:

If Republican senatorial candidates lose and Democrats take over as the majority party in the Senate, who is going to confirm Trump’s conservative Supreme Court picks? Without a loyal Republican Senate, not a single one of the men and women on Trump’s list stands a chance of being confirmed.

What makes any conservative honestly think Donald Trump is going to make a conservative Supreme Court pick? That list of judges? Please. That list is about as iron clad as his commitment to pay his contractors and creditors.

If Trump truly is considering picking a conservative justice in the mold of the late Anton Scalia he wouldn't be going after John McCain and other so-called "establishment Republicans".  But he isn't going to pick a conservative justice. Why? Because Donald Trump isn't a conservative, never has been and never will be. Conservatives who think otherwise are simply fooling themselves.

Honestly, Trump would rather deal with fellow New York liberal Chuck Schumer than Mitch McConnell any day of the week. If Trump is somehow elected President and Schumer becomes Senate Majority Leader there is no way that any justice on that list is going to be appointed to the Supreme Court.

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