Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Both Hillary & Trump Are Nasty People

I was determined not to watch the final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

After all there was the NLCS.

But like a canker sore, I just had to touch it.

So like a damn fool I watched.

Honestly, I think Trump got the better of Hillary. For a woman almost completely certain to win the election in 20 days time, she was incredibly angry and defensive especially when moderator Chris Wallace mentioned Wikileaks. When she spoke about the Russians interfering in our election she came off as more of a conspiracy theorist than Trump.

As for Trump, he started out quiet. But you knew the sedatives were going to wear off the moment he used words like "disaster" or "believe me." Trump views both NAFTA and Aleppo as "disasters" in equal measure. Trump kept putting NAFTA at the door of Hillary Clinton. But NAFTA is nothing more than an extension of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement which was signed into law by President Reagan. So when Trump says we should scrap NAFTA does he also want to scrap trade with Canada too?

So forgive me if I'm not exactly full of confidence when Trump says he plans to run the country like the companies he's driven into bankruptcy.

Hillary did have her moments. When Trump pointed to Bernie Sanders' criticisms of her judgement, she reminded him that not only had he campaigned for her but had called Trump the most dangerous presidential candidate in history. But when Hillary defended Obamacare, Trump reminded her that her husband doesn't like it so much.

Towards the end of the debate, in one of his asides, Trump said Hillary "is such a nasty woman." Said the nasty man.

Both of these candidates are insufferable people with whom I pray I will never has the misfortune of being stuck in an elevator.

Needless to say, I was happy when it was over.

I was even happier when I turned back to the NLCS and saw that the Cubs were winning back.

Even in this awful season there are silver linings.

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