Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Why I Am Voting for Joe Biden

I will be voting for Joe Biden in 2020 presidential election. 

This declaration won't come as much of a surprise to those who regularly read my thoughts. Nevertheless I believe this decision warrants an explanation as this will be the first time I have ever voted for a Democrat. Let's keep in mind that I spent nearly the entire Obama Administration as a contributor to The American Spectator and seldom did I have a kind word to spare for Vice-President Biden

Of course, I had no more intention of voting for Donald Trump this year than I did in 2016. But four years ago, I could not bring myself to vote for Hillary Clinton either. Instead, I wrote in Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse and Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker on my ballot

Exactly six months ago today, I was inclined to do the same with Pete Buttigieg despite his dropping out of the Democratic primary race. At the time, I was not open to Biden because I thought he represented the excesses of the Obama Administration.

But within a matter of weeks life as we knew it in America changed perhaps irrevocably. As of this moment, more than 6 million Americans have been afflicted with COVID-19 while nearly 185,000 Americans have died because of it and President Trump has fiddled while America burns. 

When one considers how other countries such as Canada, New Zealand, South Korea and even Argentina have successfully managed COVID-19 there is simply no excuse for the United States to have this many COVID cases and fatalities. While other countries set aside politics, President Trump amplified them by undermining public health measures whether it was downplaying its seriousness (i.e. it's 99% totally harmless), encouraging violent protests against lockdown measures, demanding the reopening of the economy long before we were ready for it, deriding masks, promoting dubious treatments and compromising the independence of the CDC and the FDA. 

President Trump's incompetent and malevolent response to COVID-19 demonstrates he is unable to keep Americans safe and secure. With so much death and suffering all around us this isn't the year for write in ballots or third party candidates. America's response to COVID-19 will only improve if we elect Joe Biden to take his place.

I am voting for Biden knowing full well that I am going to disagree with many of the policies he pursues in office (in particular I fear the restoration of the Iran nuclear deal). If I am dissatisfied with the Biden Administration then I am free to vote against him (or if Kamala Harris or someone else runs in his place) in 2024. I'll cross that bridge if it comes.

As for this year, we are in dire need of a calm, competent and compassionate leader who will take COVID-19 head on and Biden fits that bill. Biden will put out the fires started by Trump and lower the temperature so that we can all meet each other halfway. Biden will take the lessons he learned from the 2009-2010 swine flu pandemic and the 2014 Ebola outbreak and heed advice from scientists based on fact and reason, not on easy answers and miracles. Biden also knows what it is to suffer more than most people and use that knowledge to ease our collective pain and anguish. 

Joe Biden is not a savior and doesn't pretend to be. He is, however, an antidote to Trumpism and its toxicity. The Biden antidote won't cure all our ills, but it will enable Americans to live something resembling a normal and happy life. This would be an America well worth living in. 

As such, Biden has earned my vote. Will he earn your vote?

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