Thursday, September 3, 2020

Former Michigan GOP Governor Snyder Endorses Biden; Calls Trump "a Bully" & "Lacks a Moral Compass"

Former Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has become the latest Republican to endorse Joe Biden's White House bid.

In an op-ed for USA Today, Snyder blasted President Trump for being "a bully" and states "he lacks a moral compass." By contrast, Snyder described Biden in this manner:
I had the opportunity to interact with Mr. Biden when he served as vice president. My interactions were always constructive and respectful. He has shown the desire to heal a deeply divided nation; has demonstrated strong moral character and empathy; and he seems willing to listen to people who have different perspectives from his own.

It is well worth noting that Snyder intends to support other GOP candidates while supporting Biden.

However, Snyder's endorsement of Biden was not greeted with universal acclaim. The former governor's tenure was marred by the water crisis in Flint. Krystal Ball of The Hill tweeted, "The governor who poisoned Flint endorsed Biden. This man should be in prison." Parker Malloy of Media Matters for America echoed Ball's sentiment when she tweeted, "Getting that coveted guy-responsible-for-the-Flint-water-crisis vote." Jamil Smith of Rolling Stone called upon Biden to reject Snyder's endorsement:

I shouldn't need to explain why @JoeBiden should reject this endorsement. It doesn't matter how many white “moderates" he is pursuing. A party and a candidate must stand for something. Including against the governor responsible for Flint's water crisis.

Frankly, this is rubbish. To be sure, Snyder bears his share of responsibility but so did the municipal government as well as the Obama Administration and the EPA. If Snyder's endorsement of Biden is sufficient grounds to turn a blind eye to another four years of Trump then it's their funeral.

Snyder's endorsement isn't meant for Bernie supporters. It's meant for lifelong Republicans who don't like Trump, but are unsure about voting for Biden. If Snyder's endorsement helps Biden carry Michigan and rid America of the menace of Trump then so-called progressives should take a gulp and swallow their pride. We have a country to save.

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