Monday, April 25, 2022

Will Elon Musk Turn Twitter Into Litter?

So it appears Elon Musk will officially own Twitter later this year

The first question which comes to mind is whether Musk will turn Twitter into litter?

Now one can make the case that Twitter is a cesspool as it is. But I think that's exactly what Musk likes it about and wants to encourage COVID denialism to which he subscribes and bring back defeated former President Trump so he can claim the 2020 election was an insurrection and the attack on the U.S. Capitol was a protest all in the name of freedom of speech. What Musk wants is to litter Twitter with falsehood and disinformation.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren says Musk's purchase of Twitter is "dangerous for our democracy." She may be right, but his purchase also isn't illegal or improper. If it were then Senator Warren would presumably have a plan to prevent this transaction. At most, Musk will be summoned to a Senate Committee where Warren can pepper him with questions or perhaps a House Committee where he will be subject to Katie Porter's whiteboard. Warren and Porter might land a couple of punches, but that won't be enough to stop him from taking over Twitter.

At this point, I have no plans to quit Twitter. I got locked out of Twitter twice before finally getting back on shortly after moving to Atlanta. If the Elon Musks of the world want to litter Twitter with MAGATs and Russian bots then they will have to put up with me until they see fit to lock me out once more. I must admit I enjoy annoying buffoons. There are those who will want to leave Twitter immediately because of Musk. To me, this is giving up without a fight. Frankly, I would rather bide my time and force them to put up with me. If they can't then that proves the only free speech Musk cares about is his own.

Now, if Musk turns Twitter on a subscription platform then I might decide I do want to pay him $200 to $300 of my hard earned money to him. Of course, there is always a possibility a better platform comes along which could do to Twitter what Facebook did to MySpace. In which case, Elon Musk will have spent $44 billion to get Trump back on Twitter.

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