Sunday, April 3, 2022

GOP Congresswoman Claims Trump Ordered bin Laden Raid at MAGA Rally in MI

At a MAGA rally last night in Michigan for defeated, former President Trump, Republican Congresswoman Lisa McClain claimed that Trump ordered the raid which killed Osama bin Laden. McClain, who was elected to Michigan's 10th District in 2020, stated:

When President Trump was in office, we didn't have a war, and I think he made three peace treaties, caught Osama, Osama bin Laden and Soleimani and al-Baghdadi.

Now it is true that Trump authorized raided which led to the deaths of Soleimani of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and al-Baghdadi of ISIS. It is also true that the Trump Administration helped Israel enter into four peace treaties with Bahrain, Morocco, Sudan and the United Arab Emirates. Had McClain confined herself to this then she would have been fine.

But the United States was not only still at war with Afghanistan, it was President Trump who saw fit to negotiate with the Taliban rather than Afghanistan's democratically elected government. 

Needless to say, bin Laden was killed on May 1, 2011. Not only was Barack Obama still in his first term in the White House, but in the weeks leading up to the raid Trump was peddling frivolous claims that Obama wasn't born in the United States

But as we well know facts are at best optional in the MAGAverse. As Jordan Klepper has demonstrated, there are Trump supporters who believe Obama was President on 9/11. This is hardly surprising when one considers Trump has told his supporters that he assisted in recovery efforts at Ground Zero

Some lies are repeated with greater frequency. On more than 150 occasions, Trump claimed he was responsible for the Veterans Choice Act. The problem is that it was initiated by John McCain and Bernie Sanders and signed into law by Obama in 2014. 

But no matter how often the truth is told, the lies will be told again and again until they are believed as immutable fact. If Congresswoman McClain can claim that Trump ordered the bin Laden raid five and a half years before he became President then how long will it be before we hear another Republican member of Congress claim that Trump ended slavery?

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