Monday, October 12, 2020

Twitter Doesn't Like Me Very Much

A little over a year ago, I reluctantly joined Facebook after being locked out of Twitter

During the summer, I quietly rejoined Twitter and was having a grand old time until I once again got locked out last week. This time I created another account and this past Saturday night while live tweeting Lost in Space on MeTV Super Sci Fri Saturday night I got locked out yet again. For some reason, Twitter must think I'm not a flesh and blood human being. 

It's the same old problem as before. Twitter sends a verification to my phone and my phone never gets it. If there's a problem they just send you another verification code and there's no one to whom you can speak. 

This does frustrate me because Twitter does serve up news in real time and it does generate some traffic on these blog posts. (Well, perhaps a few cars slow down and take a long look before driving by). But if I could live without Twitter prior to 2015 and I could live without Twitter again for nearly a year there's no reason I can't survive without Twitter yet again. Nevertheless it is frustrating to be kicked out again and again. Perhaps I'm just not wanted in the Twitterverse. 

For all its shortcomings, Facebook has been a pretty good experience. I've managed to reconnect with some people I haven't seen in decades as well as a few of the good people I found on Twitter who also maintain Facebook accounts. So I guess I'll stick with Facebook. That is until it gets sick of me too.


  1. Why did they do that? Ebay has limited me to 0 items for sale.

  2. Why did they do that? Ebay has limited me to 0 items for sale.
