Wednesday, September 23, 2020

When Trump Says "Get Rid of The Ballots" It's Because He Knows He's Losing

We should be deeply disturbed to hear the President of the United States proclaim "get rid of the ballots" when asked about the peaceful transfer of power. 

We should be deeply disturbed to hear the President of the United States proclaim "there won't be a transfer, frankly, there'll be a continuation."

We should be deeply disturbed to hear the President of the United States proclaim that mail in ballots "a scam" and "a hoax". After all, the President's own commission on electoral integrity disbanded because they could not find evidence of voter fraud in the 2016 election

We should be deeply disturbed to hear the President of the United States proclaim that he wants confirmation of a new Supreme Court justice before the election so the full court can rule on a electoral fraud case before the votes have even been counted. No doubt the President of the United States will pick the next Supreme Court justice based on her loyalty to him, rather than to the Constitution. We all know what happens to people whose loyalty is to the Constitution instead of Trump. Just ask James Comey.

Yet as deeply disturbed as we should all be by all of this let us be aware of one thing. President Trump would not be talking about "getting rid of the ballots", calling mail in balloting "a scam" and "a hoax" or demanding confirmation of a yet to be appointed justice to the Supreme Court before November 3rd unless he knows that he cannot beat Joe Biden in a free and fair election.

If Donald Trump were truly confident in being re-elected there would be no need for him to say any of this much less attempt to put together plans to overturn the will of the people. For all of Trump's bluster this is a man who is running scared and he should be. He has simultaneously presided over a pandemic which he has seen fit to make worse. overseen an economic collapse and fomented social unrest - all in the same calendar year. This is not a formula for re-election much less reassurance.

The best defense we have against this offensive is for voters across the country to elect Joe Biden by such a decisive margin so as to render Trump's attempts at "continuation" foolish and pathetic. The choice is still ours - for now.

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