Monday, September 9, 2024

What Kamala Harris Needs to do at Tomorrow Night's Debate with Trump

At this time 24 hours from now, Kamala Harris will be debating Donald Trump. 

When the time comes, Harris will need to take command of the stage, not be intimidated nor distracted by Trump's antics while convincing and reassuring voters who might be on the fence that America will be in good hands with her in the Oval Office.

Harris cannot let Trump define her nor can she afford to have another Tulsi Gabbard moment. If she handles Trump like she handled Mike Pence in 2020, she will be fine. 

Of course, even if she does so there is no guarantee she will be elected. Mitt Romney had a spectacular first debate against Barack Obama in 2012 and it didn't mean anything. Five weeks elapsed between Romney's moment in the sun and election day. By contrast, there will be another 8 weeks of election campaigning between what is likely to be Harris and Trump's only debate and election day. The debate might be distant memory by the time October rolls around.

Donald Trump is the devil we know, and it is up to Kamala Harris to convince us we can't make another deal with the devil.

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