Friday, September 6, 2024

Delaying Trump's Sentence Denies Justice

While I cannot say I'm shocked that Judge Juan Merchan agreed to Donald Trump's request that sentencing be delayed in the New York hush money case until after the election, I believe this delay represents a denial of justice. 

Judge Merchan ruled in part"to avoid any appearance — however unwarranted — that the proceeding has been affected by or seeks to affect the approaching Presidential election in which the Defendant is a candidate."


Trump broke the law and was found guilty by a jury of peers on 34 counts. Running for President or any political office should not be used as a stay out of jail free card. 

Sentencing was originally to take place on July 11th but was delayed until this month after the Supreme Court made its infamous presidential immunity ruling. Now sentencing has been moved from September 18th to November 26th - three weeks after the election.

However, if Trump wins the election, I think we can forget about any sentencing hearing whatsoever. 

By then Trump will be for all intents and purposes above the law.

If we choose Trump again then we have only ourselves to blame because we will have declared that criminal convictions do not matter. We will have passed sentence upon ourselves.

Thus, it is incumbent upon voters to reject his candidacy and support Kamala Harris. 

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