Friday, October 21, 2022

Why Can't Democratic Politicians Bring Themselves to Support President Biden?

During President Joe Biden's term in office, we have seen the enactment of the American Rescue Plan Act, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the CHIPS Act, the Pact Act, the Safer Communities Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, the appointment of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court and student loan forgiveness (provided it gets unblocked by the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals). 

So why can't Democrats bring themselves to support President Biden?

Now we have House Democratic Whip Jim Clyburn stating he'll decide if Biden will get his support after the midterms. This is fairly significant considering it was Clyburn's endorsement which propelled Biden from a fifth place finish in New Hampshire to winning the South Carolina Democratic Primary. If this doesn't happen not only is there no Biden presidency but we would very likely have a second term of Donald Trump. 

I shudder to think where this country would be if Trump were still in the White House. Yet Republicans remain steadfastly loyal to Trump while Democrats treat Biden like a pariah. They treat him as if he incited an attack on the U.S. Capitol. 

This will not do. The only thing standing between Trump and the White House is Joe Biden. That is the choice. It isn't a tough call. If Democratic politicians genuinely believe Biden shouldn't run in 2024 then who is the alternative who can exceed all of the achievements of the Biden presidency over the past 22 months? Let them put forward his or her name now. Assuming they have such a name there is a very good chance that candidate will not be able to assemble the coalition necessary to withstand Trump. 

I would love to hear a Democrat running for office in this election year say unequivocally, "Joe Biden is a vastly better President than Donald Trump for the American people and he has my unconditional support in 2024 if he so chooses to run again."

The fact that Democratic politicians, especially the likes of Jim Clyburn, cannot bring themselves to publicly support Biden here and now does not bode well. Democrats will come to regret their lack of support if they force Biden to not seek re-election or demand his resignation and the end result is a second Trump presidency.

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