Thursday, August 20, 2020

How Many Donors Who Gave Money to "We Build the Wall" Also Gave to the NRA & Swallowed Hydroxychloroquine?

When I learned that former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon and three others had been arrested and charged in federal court of conspiracy of money laundering and wire fraud in connection with the We Build the Wall organization, I wondered how many other times their donors had been conned and suckered.

How many of those who donated to We Build the Wall also donated to the NRA? Earlier this month, New York Attorney General Letitia James filed suit to dissolve the NRA amid allegations its executives used donations for their personal use not unlike the accusations Bannon and his accomplices now face. You know you've got trouble when Oliver North was the most honest man in your organization.

How many of those who donated to We Build the Wall also swallowed hydroxychloroquine tablets? Or have they now moved onto oleandrin? For that matter, how many of those who donated to We Build the Wall also donated to the Trump campaign to help pay for former campaign chair Brad Parscale's Ferrari? Or paid tuition to Trump University?

Naturally, one feels sympathy towards those who are cheated out of their money. But there are those who never learn and, despite all evidence, refuse to believe they have swindled. These are "some of the people" who Abraham Lincoln said can be fooled all of the time. These people can also be counted on to vote for Trump even if they lose their shirt in the process. 

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