Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Conservatives Are Judging Kamala Harris By The Color of Her Skin, Not The Content of Her Character

I give conservatives way too much credit.

When Joe Biden selected Kamala Harris, I thought conservatives would focus on Harris questioning Biden's commitment to civil rights during last summer's Democratic debate. This is low hanging fruit.

But instead of focusing on Harris' words against Biden they are focused on her skin color and ethnic origin.

Alleged conservative intellectual Dinesh D'Souza said Harris shouldn't be considered African-American because he claims she is related to "one of the largest slave owners in Jamaica." Conservative talk show host Mark Levin also declared Harris isn't "African American"

In so doing they are judging Harris by the color of her skin rather than the content of her character. D'Souza and Levin do President Trump no favors by appointing themselves the arbiters of who is and who isn't African-American and marinating itself in the identity politics they claim to despise.

All of which makes one wonder why conservatives don't replay Harris' attack on Biden over and over again. Could it be because the Trump Administration and the GOP at large have a questionable commitment to civil rights? Or is it because there are miles of tape of Republicans denouncing Trump to the nines before they chose to live on their knees? All of which can be put to good use by the Lincoln Project.

Whatever the reason by focusing on Harris' identity rather than her ideas and policies, conservatives are reinforcing the hatred and intolerance which has been so prevalent during the Trump Administration.

If this is the best conservatives can do against Kamala Harris then they are in for a long, bumpy ride of their own making.

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