Monday, March 4, 2019

Will Democrats Be as High on Hickenlooper as Coloradans?

John Hickenlooper, who just finished serving two terms as Colorado's Governor, is the latest Democrat to enter the 2020 presidential race.

Hickenlooper, who was ineligible to run for a third term, is seeking to stand out as a moderate with a record of economic growth. He also presided over the state's partial decriminalization of marijuana. The question remains if Democrats will be as high on Hickenlooper as Coloradans.

How far Hickenlooper will go will depend if Senator Michael Bennett, a fellow Coloradan, will also enter the presidential race. If Hickenlooper doesn't face competition from Bennett then I could see Hickenlooper being to this race what fellow Coloradan Gary Hart was in the 1984 Democratic presidential race in which he finished second to Walter Mondale. If Hickenlooper exceeds expectations, but does not win the nomination he will be on the VP shortlist as he was with Hillary Clinton in 2016. I think Hickenlooper's odds will increase if a more a liberal female and/or minority Senator like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand or Elizabeth Warren win the nomination and seek a moderate as a counterbalance. If Hickenlooper doesn't end up a VP pick, I think he would end up in the cabinet of a future Democrat President a la Washington Governor and fellow 2020 Democratic aspirant Jay Inslee. I could see Hickenlooper appointed as Secretary of Energy, Interior or Commerce.

Perhaps Hickenlooper should take a page from Smuckers' jam and have a campaign slogan along the lines, "With a name like Hickenlooper, you know he'll make a good President." Honestly, what do they have to lose?

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