Tuesday, March 26, 2019

If Pelosi Thinks Anti-Semitism is Anti-American Then Why is Omar Still on The House Foreign Affairs Committee?

It is all well and good that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told AIPAC that "to be anti-Semitic is to be anti-American".

But if anti-Semitism is anti-American then why is Ilhan Omar still on the House Foreign Affairs Committee?

After all, less than three weeks ago, it was Pelosi who denied Omar harbored anti-Semitic sentiment when she questioned the loyalty of American Jews. "I don't think that the congresswoman perhaps appreciates the full weight of how it was heard by other people," said Pelosi, "Although I don't believe it was intended in an anti-Semitic way."

What exactly does Ilhan Omar have to say and do for Pelosi to arrive at the conclusion that she appreciates the full weight of her words and doesn't give a damn how it was heard by others? What does Omar have to say and do to convince Pelosi that she is an anti-Semite?

Omar clearly doesn't give a damn what Pelosi has to say. When Pelosi characterized the BDS movement as "a bigoted or dangerous ideologies masquerading as policy", Omar brushed off her criticism stating, "A condemnation for people that want to exercise their First Amendment rights is beneath any leader, and I hope that we find a better use of language when we are trying to speak as members of Congress that are sworn to protect the Constitution."

This is not the behavior of a Congresswoman who is ashamed of her words or contrite about them. These are the words of a Congresswoman who has been emboldened by her party's cowardice and whose "bigoted or dangerous ideologies" have been legitimized.

Your move, Madam Speaker.

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