Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Beto Bashes Bibi; Bye-Bye Beto

Less than a week into his presidential bid, Beto O'Rourke is now bashing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The former Texas Congressman has been campaigning in New Hampshire and has been claiming that Bibi is "openly siding with racists."

And here I had some hope for Beto where it concerned Israel.

Nope. Well, bye-bye Beto.

And the truth of the matter is that I don't think Beto believes it himself, but he sees where the wind is blowing in the Democratic Party and it is now in fashion to bash Israel or at the very least their leaders. Beto used this line when he was asked about "pro-Israel lobbyist money." The money in question is associated with J Street. Its founder once likened Israel to being a drunk driver. If the Left considers J Street a "pro-Israel lobbyist" then that tells me the Democratic Party is diving down the Jeremy Corbyn rabbit hole and Beto is joining the descent. He is playing a moral equivalence game where it concerns Bibi and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas:

(R)ight now we don’t have the best negotiating partners on either side: we have a prime minister in Israel who has openly sided with racists — who, in a previous election, warned that the Arabs were coming to the polls — and on the Palestinian side, you have an ineffectual leader, in Mahmoud Abbas, who has not been very effective in bringing his side to the table either.

In less than three weeks, Israelis will be going to the polls. They and they alone will decide if they want to stick with Bibi or go with Gantz & Lapid. The same cannot be said for the Palestinian Authority where Mahmoud Abbas's four year term expired 10 years ago. And what of Gaza? Palestinians are actually taking to the streets and protesting against Hamas whose iron rule they've been under since 2007. Let's just say that Hamas isn't very responsive to their needs. Beto ought to put the pressure where it belongs not exert it to appease anti-Semites. 

It isn't to say that Bibi isn't above criticism. But Beto is foolish for engaging in it. What if Bibi is re-elected next month? And what if Beto becomes the 46th President of the United States? He would begin relations with Bibi down one strike before stepping into the batter's box. How well did this strategy work for Obama? As Albert Einstein, a man who nearly became Israel's President, said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." Well, Obama was no Einstein and neither is Beto O'Rourke.

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