Monday, December 18, 2017

Will The Obama-Hezbollah Revelations Compel Trump To End The Iran Nuclear Deal?

Josh Meyer has written a damning three part article for Politico about how the Obama Administration thwarted the efforts of a DEA task force to stop Hezbollah's drug trafficking operation in order to pursue the Iranian nuclear deal. Hezbollah's drug trafficking financed terrorist operations including the training of Shiite militias in Iraq to kill U.S. soldiers. Clearly, Obama's priority was to accommodate the feelings of Iranian nuclear negotiators, not the lives of American troops in Iraq:

DEA operations in the Middle East were shut down repeatedly due to political sensitivities, especially in Lebanon, according to one former CIA officer working in the region. He said pressure from the White House also prompted the CIA to declare “a moratorium” on covert operations against Hezbollah in Lebanon, too, for a time, after the administration received complaints from Iranian negotiators.

“During the negotiations, early on, they [the Iranians] said listen, we need you to lay off Hezbollah, to tamp down the pressure on them, and the Obama administration acquiesced to that request,” the former CIA officer told POLITICO. “It was a strategic decision to show good faith toward the Iranians in terms of reaching an agreement.”

The Obama team “really, really, really wanted the deal,” the former officer said.

I suppose we should expect this from a President who saw fit to trade five top Taliban for an American deserter. But let's remember the Iran nuclear deal was Obama's top foreign policy objective from the moment he announced his intention to run for the White House in 2007. That Obama was willing to give an Iranian proxy like Hezbollah free reign to finance its terrorism operations in pursuit of the deal is treasonous. 

The only good thing which could come of this revelation would be if President Trump were to formally withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. Trump is expected to make such a decision in the new year. Will Trump right this wrong? But if this doesn't move Trump to put this deal out of its misery then what will? After all, there are many officials within the Trump Administration who support the Iran nuclear deal. Does someone like UN Ambassador Nikki Haley have the necessary influence? Or will the Trump Administration be merely content to rail against the deal while keeping it in place?

If the Trump Administration keeps the Iran nuclear deal then they will have effectively condoned the Obama Administration's misdeeds with Hezbollah.

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