Thursday, December 21, 2017

Nikki Haley Makes Empty Threats As The UN General Assembly Makes an Empty Vote on Jerusalem

Perhaps it is my advancing age accompanied by an advancing cynicism, but I find both the UN General Assembly vote against U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley's response to be tedious.

The UN isn't behaving any differently today than it has for decades. Its condemnation of Israel is de rigueur. Indeed, one would be hard pressed to find an entity more worthy of condemnation than the UN General Assembly. It is a democratic assembly consisting mainly of members who do not practice democracy at home. Indeed, Haley herself made reference to this fact when she stated, "Unlike in some UN member countries, the United States government is answerable to its people."

It was a good line, but otherwise Haley's remarks are full of sound and fury:

Instead, there is a larger point to make. The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation. We will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the world’s largest contribution to the United Nations. And we will remember it when so many countries come calling on us, as they so often do, to pay even more and to use our influence for their benefit.

America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. That is what the American people want us to do, and it is the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that.

But this vote will make a difference on how Americans look at the UN and on how we look at countries who disrespect us in the UN. And this vote will be remembered.

Let's consider some of the 129 countries which voted in favor of the resolution.

Does anyone honestly think the Trump Administration will sour on Vladimir Putin because of Russia's vote?

Does anyone honestly think the Trump Administration will see fit to reduce military aid to Egypt or Pakistan because of their votes?

Does anyone honestly think the Trump Administration will reduce U.S. oil imports from Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates because of their votes?

Does anyone honestly think the Trump Administration will start a trade war with China because of this vote?

Does anyone honestly think the Trump Administration take any action against Turkey for co-sponsoring the resolution given Trump's admiration for President Erdogan?

Does anyone honestly think the Trump Administration will withdraw from the UN?

Does anyone honestly think the Trump Administration will actually move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Amid all the fanfare of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital, President Trump also extended the six month waiver as Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama have done before him. There is every reason to believe he'll continue issuing these waivers for the remainder of his presidency with his successor picking up right where he left off.

Finally, does anyone honestly think the Trump Administration will take any action against the Palestinian Authority? It must be remembered that Congress controls the purse string and has been struggling to pass the Taylor Force Act which would cut off aid to the PA for its payments to convicted terrorists and their families.

Needless to say, I don't believe any countries who voted in favor of today's Jerusalem resolution in the UN General Assembly will lose any sleep for over Nikki Haley's threats for they are as empty as President Trump's tweets.

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